Arrangementet har fundet sted.
Til avanceret periodontitis kan migration af tænder undertiden støde til. Mange af de patienter, der oplever dette kommer naturligt med et stort ønske om at få rettet tænderne. Ortodontisk behandling af patienter med større fæstetab kræver en multidisciplinær indsats.
Dansk Parodontologisk Selskab er stolte over at vi har fået mulighed for at få to verdenskendte professorer med styrke både indenfor forskning og klinik til Danmark.
Professor Mariano Sanz er en af verdens førende parodontologer, der har gjort sig kendt på mange fronter. Herunder også behandling af patienter med avanceret periodontitis, der efterstående har behov for tandretning.
Professor Conchita Martin er international anerkendt ortodonti, der blandt mange forskningsinteresser også tæller tandregulering af patienter med avanceret periodontitis.
Dagen vil have interesse for alle dem som ønsker at være med til at indgå i et multidisciplinært samarbejde om behandlingen af denne type patienter. Dagen vil også være relevant for alle dem som behandler patienter med avanceret periodontitis – så de kan vejlede patienterne om mulighederne og forudsætningerne for at rette op på migrerede tænder.
Forelæsningerne foregår på let forståeligt engelsk.
9.00 – 9.30 Registrering & kaffe/te og croissant/kage
9.30 – 10.20 M. Sanz: Treatment of stage IV periodontitis patient with pathological tooth migration. How to apply periodontal treatment within the interdisciplinary treatment including orthodontics
In this lecture we shall present the diagnostic characteristics of this specific clinical phenotype (Stage IV Periodontitis – case type II) and how to approach their treatment planning including periodontal and orthodontic therapies. We shall include the scientific evidence on the need of both therapies for the adequate treatment of these patients
10.20 – 10.30 Q&A
10.30 – 10.50 Kaffe/Te
10.50 – 11.40 C. Martin: Treatment of stage IV periodontitis patient with pathological tooth migration. How to apply orthodontic tooth movements within the periodontal treatment
In this lecture we shall present the evidence on how to stage the orthodontic and periodontal treatments and what are the characteristics of the different orthodontic tooth movements in these patients with healthy but reduced Periodontium. We shall also elaborate on the appropriate orthodontic appliances and the need of fixed retention in the treatment of these patients.
11.40 – 11.50 Q&A
11.50 – 13.00 Frokost
13.00 – 13.50 M. Sanz: Orthodontic tooth movements and periodontal health. The straight line from biology to pathology
Orthodontic tooth movements are realised by application of mechanical forces to the periodontal ligament, which are transformed in biological processes that regulate bone remodelling and modelling leading to the translocation of the tooth within the jaw bone. These controlled inflammatory processes allow tooth movement without any loss of periodontal attachment provided there is not concomitant biofilm accumulation derived gingival and periodontal inflammation, which not only may alter the dynamics of orthodontic tooth movement, but will cause attachment loss. In this lecture we shall present the essential biological process and their clinical implications
13.50 – 14.00 Q&A
14.00 – 14.20 Kaffe/Te
14.20 – 15.10 C. Martin: Application of orthodontic tooth movements in a reduced periodontium. Risks and tricks
In this lecture we shall present the specific characteristics of orthodontic movements in teeth with a reduced periodontium. We shall pay special attention on intrusive and molar distal movements with emphasis on how to minimise external root resorption, interference with intrabony defects and how to overcome the problem of lack of appropriate anchorage in these patients.
15.10 – 15.20 Q&A
Dansk Parodontologisk Selskab
CVR-nr. 15654805