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Vi har 60 års jubilæum – som vi fejrer i forbindelse med efterårsmødet 4. og 5. oktober 2024, på Hindsgavl Slot – du skal da med ikk?
Dagmar Else Slot, Professor ACTA, Amsterdam
Rodrigo López, Professor UiB, Bergen
Predictive pocket closure of residual periodontal pockets is frequently mentioned in the periodontal literature, and it is possibly the most frequent challenge we meet when we evaluate the results of professional subgingival biofilm control of moderate and severe periodontal lesions. We ascertain the results of treatment, we evaluate the best way to proceed, and we then communicate the patient and maybe the colleague who referred her, which are the options, the content and character of recommended interventions, and what we expect as a result. Basically, we need to make decisions, and these decisions ought to be informed, substantiated, and ideally documented by evidence. But what is pocket closure? is it always the desired clinical endpoint? and how is the evidence for when to cut or how to cut?
Rodrigo will examine these questions using an informed making decision approach with focus on the patient.
Alexander Wieck Fjældstad, Associate professor AU, Aarhus
While taste and smell are often overlooked aspects of both research and clinical practice, the oral cavity is ingeniously designed to optimize the flavour of food – both to increase enjoyment and avoid danger. The focus of this talk is to cover the function and role of the chemical senses; how the perception of flavour is embedded in the signals from various parts of the oral cavity and upper airways – and what is currently know about the interactions between flavour perception and periodontology.
Peter Eickholz, Professor U Goethe, Frankfurt/Main
In 1993 the Department of Orthodontics refers a female patient 45 years of age to the Section of Periodontology of the University of Heidelberg. She seeked orthodontic treatment due to flared maxillary anterior teeth. Periodontal diagnosis at that time was generalized “severe adult periodontitis” (localized stage IV periodontitis grade C). Treatment consisted oral hygiene instructions (step 1), subgingival instrumentation (step 2), periodontal surgery including regenerative procedures (step 4). Orthodontic treatment started after accomplishment of periodontal treatment. For 30 years
Thomas Urban, Specialtandlæge i tand-, mund- og kæbekirurgi, Ph.d., Aarhus
Biology is beautiful but complex and therefore replacing a tooth contains certain challenges especially in patients having had periodontitis. Many questions arise in such cases: Is the tooth really lost? If yes – and implant replacement is intended, what is the best way to proceed? Can hard and soft tissues be regenerated easily? Amongst the vast amount of different implant brands and types – do certain implant properties seem more favorable in this selected patient group. Based on the presenter’s long experience in a surgical practice inspirational answers are given via several patient case stories.
Peter Eickholz, Professor U Goethe, Frankfurt/Main
In 1997 a female patients 24 years of age seeks acute treatment at Section of Periodontology of the University of Heidelberg. She reports pain and is diagnosed as rapidly progressive periodontitis () with periodontal abscess at teeth 45 and 46.
Thomas Urban, Specialtandlæge i tand-, mund- og kæbekirurgi, Ph.d., Aarhus
Periimplantitis may be challenging. When having eliminated the triggering factors the clinician is left with the choice of a regenerative or a resective procedure. The main focus in the presentation will be on the regenerative procedure. One of the secrets to success in regeneration of lost bone in periimplantitis is the clinician’s ability to remove biofilm and calculus from the implant surface. Several different modalities of cleaning an implant surface will be discussed and exemplify via cases where different low-tech and high-tech assistive technology has been used to reach this goal. Furthermore, a method of bone augmentation is shown – which seems to be effective and stable over time.
Dagmar Else Sloth, Professor ACTA Amsterdam
Vibeke Bælum, Professor AU
Eero Juhani Raittio, Postdoc AU
For centuries, the revision of periodontal disease classifications has been a favorite pastime for the periodontal community. The earliest periodontal disease classifications originated in simple attempts to interpret the clinical observations, but as new technologies were applied to the study of cases, etiological theories expanded and led the periodontal community into a never-ending circle of reclassifications of little relevance and utility.
In this lecture, we present the historical basis that led to the more recent periodontal disease classification systems, and – using the process underpinning the development of the 2017 periodontal classification system as an example – we outline the evidence that is needed before we may have a relevant approach to periodontal disease classification.
Ana Stevanovic, Coach og tandlæge
Mário Rui Araújo, Professor, rdh
As Oscar Wilde put it, “Memory is the diary we all carry about with us.” 60 years is a wonderful journey. Is periodontal health in shape all over the world? Well, maybe that is not a topic to address in a celebration. Or is it?
For thousands of years, stories have allowed us to make sense of the world, build connections, and pass on knowledge and memories. The way we look at our story and the way we share experiences is also fundamental for our future.
In this Periodontal limbo, we know many things, but we are not where we want to be yet. Learning is important now more than ever, and is about how we take the learner on a journey; from their understanding and skills at the starting point through to enabling them to do or think differently by the end. Aloud us to tell you a story of behaviours, memories, metaphors and meanings. Everything we want at a birthday party…
Dansk Parodontologisk Selskab
CVR-nr. 15654805