Arrangementet har fundet sted.
Den den 27. november kl 19.30 afholdes et spændende webinar med Sebastian Schlafer – webinaret er gratis for alle medlemmer af DPS.
Webinaret har overskriften :
New kids on the block – The role of archaea in the oral microbiota
The tree of life has three domains: Eukaryotes (including animals and plants), bacteria and archaea. At first glance, archaea may look like bacteria, but their cell wall, membranes and metabolism are dramatically different. Science has long thought that archaea only live in extreme environments, like geysers or Antarctic lakes, but the past decade has demonstrated their presence in the human mouth, with implications for both health, and – especially – periodontal disease.
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Link til mødet:
Webinar with Sebastian Schaefer – New kids on the block – The role of archaea in oral microbiota
Møde-id: 326 246 403 151
Adgangskode: qoUAb2
Dansk Parodontologisk Selskab
CVR-nr. 15654805