Forårsmødet afholdes i Århus den 1. februar 2025.
Tema: Different approaches to the treatment of periodontitis and peri-implantitis from three experts from the Scandinavian countries.
The JCP Digest offers concise perio research to enable clinicians to keep their knowledge up to date, summarizing studies from the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.
JCP Digest contents are produced by EFP and may not reflect the DPS' current opinion or philosophy.
Perio Insight is a quarterly publication from the EFP which focuses on science and clinical practice. It offers detailed coverage of key issues in periodontology today, providing opinion and debate articles featuring some of the world's leading experts. It also includes a summary of recent research published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.
Perio Insight contents are produced by EFP and may not reflect the DPS' current opinion or philosophy.
A twice-yearly bulletin from the European Federation of Periodontology.
EFPNews contents are produced by EFP and may not reflect the DPS' current opinion or philosophy.
Der indkaldes hermed til ordinær generalforsamling.
Sted: Radison Blu, Århus
Dato: 1. februar 2025
Tid: kl. 15:30
Den 12. maj sætter vi fokus på betydningen af at have sundt tandkød, når vi sammen med EFP fejrer Gum Health Day i mere end 40 lande!
Foredrag vil findes sted på dansk eller engelsk. Se program.
Millings Hotel Park / Middelfart. Fredag den 7. oktober 2022. Se program.
First Common Nordic Periodontal Webinar The Nordic Periodontal Societies invite you to a one-hour webinar with a lecture from each of the 4 countries. Short and concentrated!
Vi er medlem af European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), som er en organisation med 30 nationale selskaber, der beskæftiger sig med at fremme forskning, uddannelse og bevidsthed om periodontal videnskab og praksis.
Som medlem kan du deltage i vores arrangementer med foredragsholdere samt få adgang til EFP publikationer.
Dansk Parodontologisk Selskab
CVR-nr. 15654805